Beat the egg yolks
with 50 gram sugar for 5 minutes. Heat the milk, add to the yolks, and
heat the mixture very slowly while stirring until it thickens (do not
boil). Dissolve the gelatin and stir in half of the apricot jam. Pour
the mixture in a round dish and put in the fridge for at least 4 hours.
Beat the egg whites with the remaining sugar, stir in the cream. Take
the pudding out of the fridge and turn on a plate; divide the cream
egg-white mixture over it. Stir two tablespoons of hot water into the
remaining jam and pour the jam over the cream.
Crumble the cake. Mix
it with amaretto and the juice from the can of fruit, wait for half
an hour. Distribute half of the cake over small glass bowls or one big
bowl; put half of the fruit on top of it, and then 1/2 of the cream.
Repeat the process. Decorate with a piece of fruit.