Mix all ingredients
and put in the fridge for half an hour. Line two baking trays with parchment
and make 18 heaps of batter. Flatten the heaps into thin circles with
the wet back of a spoon. Bake the cookies 12 minutes at 175 degrees
Celsius. Put a small strip of paper
with a wish inside and fold the cookies in half, and again in half,
as on the picture. Work fast, the cookies will only fold when they are
really hot. If the cookies become too hard, put them back into the oven
for a few minutes.
Fortune cookies: even though we normally associate
fortune cookies with Chinese tradition, in China itself the cookies
are rarely served, according to Jennifer 8 Leigh in the book
"The fortune
cookie chronicles". Apparently, they were first served
in the beginning of the 20th century in California by Chinese
immigrants and their concept is based on
Japanese crackers.